Thomas Huining Feng

Analyzing Ptolemy Models

1. Overview

The requirement for model analysis for Ptolemy II arises from the implementation of backtracking. It turns out that, to implement incremental backtracking in a clean way, actor code must be analyzed first. This is a source-level program analysis. This article argues that once an appropriate analysis is available, backtracking can be implemented very efficiently, and the same analysis can also be the backend of model checking for Ptolemy models.

1.1. Problems arising from backtracking

The basic scheme of incremental backtracking under implementation is described in Backtracking in Ptolemy II. In this approach, the backtracking sub-system only records the subsequent changes done in the model once a checkpoint is created. When the model needs to roll back to its previous state, the backtracking sub-system restores the old values to all the places that have been changed.

AspectJ was used to capture such changes. For example, when we weave an aspect with a field f of class C, we can dynamically detect every assignment to f, before which its old value is stored in a backup buffer. However, this method using AspectJ has important limitations:

  • This requires building Ptolemy with AspectJ, which is not as fast or user-friendly as native Java compilers.

  • There are certain changes that AspectJ cannot precisely capture. For example, the assignment to an element in a large array (A[5] = 1). As discussed in Backtracking in Ptolemy II, AspectJ only detects that the reference of array A is fetched. It does not return any information about which element is changed (in this case, A[5]), or the new value of that element.

  • An aspect must be written for every actor class. Though aspects can be generated automatically, the method used to generate those aspects requires model analysis on actor code (e.g., to detect the state variables defined in each actor). In the most general case, this analysis is not any simpler than the one we are going to see.

Naturally, we would like an approach that does not require AspectJ at all. In the following sections, I am going to propose an improved method that analyzes the actor classes, detects state variables, generates extra code for each state variable by modifying the program AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), and then regenerates Java code with backtracking support added. The regenerated code can then be compiled with native Java compiler.

1.2. An assumption

Before getting started, an important assumption must be made clear: State variables are all private class members so that their values cannot be changed directly from outside of the class. This assumption allows us to modify one class at a time. We could as well modify the following method to also manage non-private members. There is a trade off between how complex our analysis should be, and how powerful our method is expected.

Requiring all state variables to be private also helps develop a good coding style for Ptolemy actors. The same rule has already been followed.

2. Model Analysis Method

The model analysis method is derived from Java program analysis, because in Ptolemy, actors (and directors) are directly written in Java, following certain rules (e.g., the prefire-fire-postfire sequence). This makes analysis more challenging, because Java source analysis is usually harder than model analysis in a specific domain and in a specific modeling language (e.g., UML).

There always exists the tradeoff between power and complexity, which is important to our design.

The big picture of the proposed method is illustrated in Figure 1, “The big picture”. The important steps are made clear below:

The big picture

Figure 1. The big picture

  1. As the input being Java source written in plain text files, a parsing step is taken first. This is an ordinary program parsing, which is not interesting to our discussion. Currently, the parser in JRefactory is being used. This parser is generated by JavaCC from the most recent Java 1.5 Grammar. The internal steps taken by the parser is included in the figure for the sake of completion: a lexer divides a source file into a token stream; a parser parses the token stream and builds a parse tree; and an AST transformer converts the parse tree into an AST [1].

  2. Analysis can then be done on the AST, which represents the complete structure of the Java code. This analysis is currently divided into two phases. (More phases may be added in the future.)

    For backtracking purpose, naturally, fields in each class must be detected. This is relatively simple: We simply walk through the AST and look for every class defined in the program. For each class found, loop over its members and look for private fields. We then annotate the AST with those field information.

    Three complications arise after a careful thought. Since Java allows nested classes, the following situations must be taken care of:

    1. Non-public classes (B in the following example) in the same file (A.java):

      public class A {
      class B {
          private int i;

    2. Nested classes (B in the following class):

      public class A {
          class B {
              private int i;

    3. Subclassing at instantiation:

      new A() {
          private int i;

    In all the above cases, we want to derive field i. In case 1, i belongs to class B; in case 2, it belongs to class A$B; however, in case 3, it belongs to a class with a name that is compiler-dependent.

  3. After gathering enough information for each field, we are going to type-check the AST. We can safely assume that the source input contains no type errors (because it can be compiled with Java compiler before we analyze it). Hence, this type checking phase is just to derive appropriate types for each expression without producing any error. The intention is made clear with the following examples:

    public class A {
        private int i;
        void func() {
            List list;
            ((A)list.get(0)).i = 1;

    Clearly, the old value of i should be recorded before this assignment operation is performed. The analyzer can easily detect that (A)list.get(0) returns an object of A because of this explicit type conversion (note that list.get(0) returns java.lang.Object).

    public class A {
        private int i;
        void func() {
            B b;
            b.getA().i = 1;

    Unfortunately, in this second case, it is not so clear whether i should be monitored or not. To make a decision, the analysis must be taken across different classes, i.e., to analyze B also and discover the return type of getA().

  4. After analysis is performed, assignments to fields can be refactored. In our case, this refactoring is merely adding code related to value backup before assignments.

    public functions are also added to classes during the refactoring step. Those functions can be called from the outside to create checkpoints, to roll back to a previous state, or to discard previously created checkpoints.

  5. When refactoring is done, the AST is then converted back into Java source, and Java compiler is used to compile the source into byte-code. If a compiler backend (e.g., soot) is provided, the output from AST may be byte-code directly.

3. Another Application: Model Checking

Using the above program analysis approach, potentially powerful model checking can be implemented for Ptolemy.

3.1. The problem

Low-level model checking for Ptolemy was hard, because Ptolemy models were built from actors and directors, which were directly written in Java. Clearly, an actor written in Java can do anything, including performing such operations that violate important rules. It can be compiled with Java compiler and then be loaded into a Ptolemy model. The model can be executed afterward. In this whole process, no warning or error is given to the user.

An example of bad operations performed by an actor is committing its state in the fire method [2].

Another example is made possible by the collection design in Java 1.4 and earlier. Suppose a director keeps a List of the actors that it is interested in. Any arbitrary object can be added to the list, whether it is actually an actor: Java 1.4 or earlier does not type check this. When the director retrieves an actor from the list, it explicitly converts it into Actor type or any subtype.

Yet another example is a subtle and more semantic one. Suppose an actor is designed to produce output for each firing. It is very easy to design an actor that fails to produce an output in rare cases (including when an exception occurs).

There can be many semantic errors in an actor, even if it compiles, loads into a model, and runs for quite a long while. Generally, there is no guarantee that an actor is free of certain kind of bugs without source-level analysis.

3.2. The solution

With the analysis discussed above, we can check the AST according to a set of pre-defined rules. For example, once the analyzer detects all the state variables of an actor, it may check the fire function and some of the other called functions to see if any state variable is modified. If the convention is not followed, it may reject the actor or merely produce a warning.

Actor designers may also provide annotations that help the analyzer. For example, when an actor has a List as its state variable, the designer may explicitly annotate the type(s) of the elements that can be added to the list. This annotation can be written as a comment for backward compatibility, or as a template introduced by Java 1.5.

To make sure that output is produced for each firing, the analyzer may walk through each executable path in the fire method to see if there is any path along which the actor may not produce any output. This analysis is conservative in that deciding executable paths is NP-complete, as the following example shows:

if (very_complex_computation()) {
} else {

However, the analyzer is always able to give some hints to the designer.

[1] AST is a compact form of parse tree which omits many intermediate nodes. It turns out that JRefactory only gives us parse trees, which are harder to analyze or modify, rather than ASTs in a strict sense.

[2] According to Ptolemy convention, an actor may receive input and produce output in its fire method. However, it can only commit a change of state in its postfire method. This makes it possible to fire an actor multiple times and then commit its state only once.